My grandmother used to love to make gelatin salads for us - salads molded with Jell-O gelatin. One of her favorites included lemon jello, cabbage, and marshmallows. (I can’t remember what that one tasted like; must have blocked it out.) Another favorite of hers was a lime jello salad with pineapple, cucumber, and horseradish. This truly is a unique taste combination; I think it caused my brother Eddie a lifetime aversion to horseradish. I on the other hand loved it. When grandma passed away a few years ago we inherited her recipe collection, including this one. I just found it this weekend and had to make it. I didn’t do a good job mixing the cucumbers and pineapple in, so the salad is not as evenly dispersed in the jello as I remember it. But it was still delicious. Sound atrocious? I dare you to make it and then tell me what you think! Better yet, let me know what your favorite jello salad is.