Similar to the southern French classic of green beans with tomatoes, garlic, and onions, this dish takes a southwestern detour and uses salsa, which has the same ingredients as the French dish, with the addition of chilies. It’s perfect for the summer when fresh green beans are plentiful. The trick of course to great tasting green beans is getting fresh beans! The best come from neighborhood gardens or the local farmers market. Look for beans that break when you bend them. Limp beans are old and won’t taste good. If the beans have strings, remove them as part of prep. As you snap the beans to remove the stem end, pull down the side of the bean to draw out the tough string that sometimes accompanies green beans. Toss to combine and cook 1 minute. Add salt or more salsa to taste. Green Beans with Tomatillo Salsa - from A Veggie Venture Green Bean and Cherry Tomato Salad - from Smitten Kitchen