Sadly, peak berry season is always too short. So a few years back, I started making liqueurs using the bounty of fresh berries to keep on hand for when I needed a berry fix. If I can’t eat them fresh, an infused liqueur makes for a delicious alternative. It’s also super easy! The hardest part about making this liqueur is the waiting while it steeps (about 4 weeks), but it’s well worth it.

What’s Raspberry Liqueur?

A liqueur is a sweetened liquor with added flavorings like coffee, walnuts, or fresh fruits. For this recipe, raspberries are macerated with sugar and vodka (and a vanilla bean pod, if you’d like) to draw out the fruit’s natural juices. The mixture then sits for four weeks, during which the flavors from the raspberries and vanilla are infused into the vodka. Because you are not using any pressure to force the flavors out, this slow process of extraction ensures that all the flavors will be infused into the liqueur. After four weeks, the mixture is strained. The resulting liqueur is a zippy, raspberry-flavored beverage that can be sipped neat on its own or enjoyed in a myriad of cocktails. Add a splash of it to your next margarita, daiquiri, or gin and tonic for a burst of summer berry flavor.

Tips for Making Raspberry Liqueur

Depending on factors like the season or your location, raspberries can vary in sweetness. This recipe calls for a moderate amount of sugar, but I encourage you to taste the raspberries to gauge their sweetness and adjust the amount of sugar accordingly. For Tart Berries: Add an additional 1/4 to 1/2 cup of sugar per pint. After macerating the raspberries in the sugar and vodka, taste and adjust again if needed. For Sweet Berries: Reduce the sugar by a tablespoon per pint. Since the raspberry mixture needs to be agitated every few days, keep it where you’ll see it (but out of direct sunlight). I keep mine in my pantry where it will catch my eye. And since I’m in there at least once a day, I always notice it and give it a gentle shake. If you think you’ll forget, create a calendar reminder!

How to Store the Raspberry Liqueur

Choose an airtight, nonreactive (stainless steel, glass, or ceramic) container for making and storing the raspberry liqueur. I have lots of lidded mason jars in a variety of sizes on hand for making liqueurs. A twist- or swing-top bottle works too. I find that when the lid is tightly twisted on, mason jars do a great job of keeping everything airtight. You do not want to swish a jar around only to find the cap wasn’t on tight, or worse, discover creepy crawler friends that found their way inside!

Tips for Straining Liqueur

Once the mixture has steeped for four weeks, strain it to remove the raspberry pulp and seeds. A nut milk bag does an excellent job of straining on its own, but I like to place it over a fine mesh strainer then pour the liqueur through both as an additional layer. Alternatively, you can stack several sheets of fine cheesecloth or a tea towel over the fine mesh strainer. You may have to strain it multiple times. In the end, the liqueur should be tinted, but clear.

Make It Your Favorite In-Season Fruit Liqueur

If you enjoy the sweet, tart taste of raspberries in a liqueur, don’t stop there! Try this recipe with strawberries, plums, peaches, or any of your favorite spring or summer fruits. It’s a delicious way to savor the flavor of in-season fruits for longer.

More Homemade Liqueur Recipes to Try

Homemade Coffee Liqueur Homemade Nocino Walnut Liqueur Homemade Campari How to Make Vanilla Extract Crema di Limoncello

If using, cut the vanilla bean pod in half lengthwise, and add it to the mixture. Seal the jar tightly and store it in a cool, dark place. Every two to three days, gently shake the jar to stir the mixture, which should steep for a total of four weeks. Pour the strained liqueur into a clean airtight container, like a glass swing top bottle or mason jar.